Clarendon Foundation

Working Toward a Brighter Future for the Children in Sri Lanka
Samata Sarana is a facility in Mutwal, one of the poorest areas of Colombo, serving about 500 poor individuals from infants to seniors. Individuals served include infants, school age children, young adults and the elderly, providing three meals a day. We fund the cost of food and educational expenses for children attending the day school program; the Early Childhood Development program for infants and babies; as well as meals for the elders.
Samata Sarana’s Kindigoda Branch serves the rural poor in a remote hamlet west of the Colombo-Negombo road at Seeduwa. The center provides numerous educational and nutritional services to children from several nearby hamlets. The pre-school serves about 20 children, while after-school tutoring and educational assistance is provided to approximately 90 children. The Samata Sarana bus provides transport to and from school, and picks up the pre-school children. The children are provided breakfast, a snack to take to school, and lunch. A balanced nutrition is provided through these meals. We provide for the complete support of the center and have purchased computers for the center.
The Clarendon Foundation has supported the good work of Samata Sarana for over 20 years.